Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The American Dream (nightmare)

Not the 50's picture that most people my age remember. What has changed ?

Tea Party used to be referred as "The Boston Tea Party" in our history books.
$200.00 per week was a good wage.
A new car cost us 2000.00 and it had tires.
A new home was under 20,000. Solid built. Still standing today. Last sold for 399,000.
A decent place to "Rent" would cost us half my wages. NO PETS.
Stress was described as that "weak board" that made noise when your heavy set Grandma came over.
Respect was a given to all elders, people on the street, neighbors, wife (of course), and family.
Helping your fellow man with out asking for a payment.
A meal was easily whipped out, because food was cheap.

I could go on and on...
Have a better Tomorrow

Friday, August 27, 2010

Oh no (politcking and puppet strings)

I would rather talk about fun and uplifting stuff. Here goes the real stuff that I have been hearing for a while now. Why are people attracted to Glen Beck and the Tea party people. I have a couple of questions for people that follow that sort of crap and believe it. Do you have something better to do ? Do you realize that you are being led to believe our president is someone that he's not ? That Obama is a racist. Who believes that ? I don't. I think Glen Beck should be sent to a remote island and have fire ants crawl all over him. Then we could put it on youtube and have a laugh. (not really) Just a thought. I cannot watch another minute of the dirty politics any more. We should start banning Mr limbaugh and Mr Beck and make them accountable for the damage that cause to the american public. Too bad someone must prove that WWE wrestling is fake and the tooth fairy is really your mom. The president is really a good man. Oh by the way. I would be leary of the priests and not people of the muslim faith.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What to do ?

I have had a hellish bout of allergies lately. Finally purchased benadryl to help. It has helped tremendously. Leaves me dry sinuses but a headache. Had a neck and shoulder issue all week. It is hard to do anything strenuous feeling this way. Must get the room ready by saturday the 28th for the drywall guys. Excited about that but not having the energy. I feel like a procrastinator. The only way to handle this is to rest. I have decided, rest it is. I am off Friday the 27th. I will buy the plastic and put in the outlets then. I can still help do things that don't strain my neck or my shoulder.