Friday, August 27, 2010

Oh no (politcking and puppet strings)

I would rather talk about fun and uplifting stuff. Here goes the real stuff that I have been hearing for a while now. Why are people attracted to Glen Beck and the Tea party people. I have a couple of questions for people that follow that sort of crap and believe it. Do you have something better to do ? Do you realize that you are being led to believe our president is someone that he's not ? That Obama is a racist. Who believes that ? I don't. I think Glen Beck should be sent to a remote island and have fire ants crawl all over him. Then we could put it on youtube and have a laugh. (not really) Just a thought. I cannot watch another minute of the dirty politics any more. We should start banning Mr limbaugh and Mr Beck and make them accountable for the damage that cause to the american public. Too bad someone must prove that WWE wrestling is fake and the tooth fairy is really your mom. The president is really a good man. Oh by the way. I would be leary of the priests and not people of the muslim faith.


  1. Boy talk about bats in the bellfree!! I tried so hard to watch him for one week so I could possibly understand what the attraction is to this person. I simply can not believe people allow their minds to be so easily led by a fool who does what he does for the money. It's quite ironic that others complain of lack of money and then fund a wacko like this. So much misinformation being shouted out or misconstrued or worse yet, saying it for shock value. I think Beck would do better in a church on sunday knelt down on both knees asking to be led by "christ like ways" rather than his own banter. Yuck, like I said, I tried to get through a week listening to him. I got through about 10 minutes each day and couldn't take anymore.

  2. Amen! I think Mr Beck has went off the deep end!
