Saturday, October 9, 2010

My old but new ailment

I have dealing with some aches in my shoulder, pain in my neck and tingling in my left arm for some time now. I thought it was my throwing shoulder needing a cleanout. But a week long stiff neck and some burning pain made me get an xray. Advanced ankylosing spondylitis, which in short means my c-6 and c-7 are fused together by "arthur"itis. I had c-spine surgery 12 yrs ago. Didn't have much problem. Had a clue that things were getting bad after a bicycle wreck 2 yrs ago. Inflammation and tense neck muscles.
I thought I would include pics but sorry can't do it. Just can't swing a hammer for extended periods of time, push carts with out pain, carry things and all that. I have stopped for now but I will continue. Need to rest it and take my meds. This is my tribute to tammy in a weird way. I didn't realize how much pain that you are in all the time. Better yet, how you can grin and bear through it. I am a perky person until I have to do a little work lately then I don't want to smile. Plan of action : realize my limits and pace myself. Look into physical therapy and hope not for another surgery.


  1. Good luck to you, my good man. I've not really had any chronic pain or issues with my back that couldn't be solved by a good massage, but then again, I'm just 39. I am curious, though, what health issues will eventually befall me. In fact, I did a post on that very subject earlier this year:

  2. Thanks for putting our video on your blog!!!
