Sunday, October 3, 2010

Why ?

We live in a town where racism exists. Ignorance is rampant. Crime happens all around us. We want peace, quiet and solitude. We would appreciate people to be considerate of their fellow humans and animals. I have learned that fighting back quietly is the way to battle ignorant, selfish and mean people. They will break and make mistakes. My patience has been tested over and over. We technically lost our foot hold and will move out of our house. Who really wins ? Does it matter ? No not really.. I pray that we will not have to ever go through this last year again. I am not the one that had to endure, my wife did. She stays home with our dogs and her business. She is also suffering from an autoimmune disorder, while dealing with harassment for over a year. I know that evil lurks around every corner, but must we live next door to it ?


  1. I for one am devastated over the events of the last year. To think you found your home, then to find it's truly a nightmare, one can't imagine unless they go through it. The drinking til 4 in the morning by our back windows, lighting off fireworks, stadium horns. Beligerance, foul mouth language, rudeness to our guests... it's too much. But, then add the neglect of the dog that must endure these people. Unbelieveable. I am sad to give up our home but I'm happy we are able to restart somewhere that is much more suited to those who belive in respect & morals. I probably won't relax until a month after we are gone. Talk about hightened sense's. Oy.
    I love you!

  2. Dude, I understand completely! My wife and I have lived in a similiar stuation now for awhile. But, after a triple homocide, two meth house busts and prison sentence our neighborhood has slowed a bit!

  3. Thanks for posting chris. It must be an epidemic. I long for the old folks that wave and bring over cookies or the small chats about the weather. No ammonia smell for us. Rather smell the bread cookin in the oven.
